Feather Collection Instructions


Multiple Feather types can be used for testing. Choose the best option for your purposes. The preferred sample is a pulled feather approximately 2 inches long, but we can also test smaller feathers or molted feathers. If using a molted feather, it is up to the sender to ensure it came from the correct bird.

Avoid sending feathers with dried blood as that can interfere with the testing process.

Wing Feather


Feathers must be labeled legibly with enough information to identify the individual bird from the list on your sample submission form. We strongly recommend writing on a piece of masking tape and folding it around each feather. Please avoid taping the root of the feather as this is where we sample the DNA.




Samples can be sent in a standard letter envelope. Make sure to include a printed submission form and upload one before shipment. This will ensure faster processing times of your samples.