Hair Collection Instructions

Pull a small number of hairs

Our tests only require one hair follicle. It is best to send a pinch-worth of hairs just in case. The hairs can be pulled from anywhere, though the tail is usually easiest. Please ensure the hairs have roots.

Mail samples in an envelope

Make sure to include a printed submission form with your samples so that we know what the samples are as soon as they arrive at the lab. Multiple hair samples can be sent in the same envelope, there is no need to separate them as long as they are all clearly labeled and secure.

14 O’Henry Ave Suite 204, Asheville, NC 28801

Label the DNA sample

Hair samples may be placed on a standard hair card, taped to a piece of paper, or simply placed into a folded piece of tape. The paper or tape must be labeled.

Tape the middle of the hair(s) to avoid damaging the roots.